This move is coming up really quickly. In just two short days everything is going to change. I am really looking forward to the change of scenery. There has been a lot going on for a while and it will be good to be closer to the boyfriend and hopefully be less stressed. I still have some packing to do, but we really got a lot done this past Friday! I am totally looking forward to moving on. I'm working on the saying, "Let go and let God!" That is a very difficult thing many times mainly because I like to try to do things myself. Of course, that just get's me into trouble, but it's a work in progress.
I have mixed emotions about leaving. Part of me will miss the boys, but the other part is relief. I know that there have been many struggles over the past 16 months and it will be so great to be rid of them. Each day becomes increasingly difficult as the days continue. Luckily it is only two more days and there's still a great deal of packing to be done....