About Me

Hi. I'm Kate. A Southern California native living on the East Coast. I moved to the East Coast in the summer of 2007 to have a change of pace. Most people think it's crazy that I would leave California, but I love where I am and wouldn't change it for the world.

My husband and I started dating in June 2008 and tied the knot on February 26, 2011.

I am currently a stay-at-home wife after nannying for five years and teaching middle school and high school English for a year and a half. I love to sew and own my own business where I travel to craft shows and sell online at Etsy.


Anonymous said...

I found your blog from the Sittin' In The Sun Summer package exchange link-up and became a follower today! I think you're beautiful and quite inspiring! I really like the way you write too. :)

Adrienne said...

Can I just say, "HOORAY"! That I've found you?! I totally want to be a SAHW [someday-maybe soon?] so it's inspiring to find that in other women :)

Unknown said...

I was a SAHW for 2 years...best job in the world!

Anonymous said...

Being a stay-at-home-wife is not a job. You people are disgusting.

Unknown said...

Being a stay at home wife is a calling! I am blessed to be a keeper of the home. I have worked outside the home and raised my son along with my sweet husband and enjoying my life daily, because I know that my steps are ordered each day, by God.

Poet, Detachment Mom, and Navy Wife said...

I was a stay at home wife when I first got married and it was thrilling. Now I am a stay at home mom to a six month old baby girl and I love that too. It gives me time to spend with my baby, to do my writing, to scrapbook and do art projects, and to make my jeweled mirrors. It also let me travel with my husband and have lunch with him. It's the best :)

Lisa Martin said...

I love your blog! I too am a stay-at-home wife....no kids. I definitely believe that homemaking is valuable even though it doesn't generate a pay check. I just started a new blog called www.talesofamodernhomemaker.com. Feel free to stop by. I would love to hear from you!
