This week has been a great week for me. I was able to make more clutches and decided to start sewing and selling the things that I make! It has been something that I have thought about for a while and with all of the positive feedback from family and friends, I've decided to take the plunge and just do it!
The other good news that was received this week was that after over a year and a half of dealing with pain in my right wrist, I am officially scheduled for surgery!
I have been waiting for the doctor to come to that conclusion FOREVER and after the failed cortisone injection, he decided to not make me go through it again and do the surgery!
The surgery is scheduled for this coming Thursday (Aug. 18) super early in the morning. It was a miracle to get it done before school starts as I was told that there was really no way that was going to happen!
So, this basically means that I have a little less than a week with the use of both of my hands! I am going to be sewing up a storm (hopefully) while I can enjoy doing it until I recover enough to be able to do it again. I was told that the recovery time is 90 days total, but many people feel much better in 3 weeks. I'm not sure where that will put me, but I'm happy to feel better nevertheless.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I'm sure the next few weeks/months will be challenging (and a blessing) both for myself and my husband.