Monday, July 6, 2009

June 11, 2009

We officially had our one year anniversary last month! It seems as though time has flown by, yet still as if it has been forever. I still think it is crazy that we met online last April. I can remember looking at his pictures and reading his profile thinking, "He's that picture a before picture and the two others are 'after' pictures?" Lol. He had two pictures up that were great and one that was so nerdy (think hair flat down, unibrow, roundish glasses, and a hideous button up shirt that was buttoned all the way to the top).

We started off by sending free smiles to one another and after a couple of days I decided to try to find him on myspace so we could talk. Neither of us had paid for the dating site so there was no chance of talking to him unless I stalked him on myspace or paid the fee for the site. Clearly, I chose stalking ;) Apparently, he didn't mind too much.
Upon him seeing my profile, he got to see this lovely picture where I'm sure he just thought I was the cutest thing ever...ya right. Luckily my online dating profile picture was much better and he totally had to see what he was getting into right? Of course he saw this picture and just had to get to know me. He said it was because I look like I have a lot of fun and I could make his life a little more interesting. I have to think that was a complete understandment on his part. I don't know if I know how to not make things interesting...haha.

We talked every day for hours on end for two months before we decided to meet up. We met at a Washington Nationals game on June 6, 2008. I went with two of my good friends and got there on time...he on the other hand was late. Really late. Apparently his best friend had been held up at work and the metro was taking forever. He kept calling to assure me he was on his way and did manage to show up wearing a ketchup shirt and carrying a camera bag *which I totally thought was a man purse*.

We decided to meet up again five days later and walk around D.C. for the day. It was perfect and we were totally acting like jr.highers-pushing eachother and flirting all day. At the end of the night we made it official and were exclusively together!
I lived in Virginia for the first six months of the relationship. It was a series of ups and downs. The distance made it hard, but it was worth it. I would drive up every weekend to see him (since he works on weekends) and he would drive down during the week any chance he got. We both put in a lot of effort to make sure that we could continue the relationship and see each other as often as possible.

On the last day of December 2008, I moved up to Maryland to be closer to him. I got an apartment and I live only ten minutes down the road. We get to see each other daily and have been able to continue to make our relationship grow over this past year. In March, we went to California where he met my mom and two sisters. It was our first big vacation together. It was nice for him to be able to meet some of my family even when we are so far away. I really feel that he is an incredible man and I love him with all of my heart. Through the ups and downs I know that I am truly lucky that God brought him into my life and I couldn't be happier.

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