Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So What Wednesday

This week I'm linking up with Shannon over at L.A.I.D. for So What Wednesday.

This week, I'm saying so what if...

  • We decided that I'm not going back to work in the fall like we planned. I'm saving money by being at home and love my "new" job.
  • I love Mexican food and eat it multiple times a week. Hey, at least I make it at home!
  • I like to have long phone dates with friends. Sometimes this means that I don't get as much done, but it's so nice to catch up.
  • I have baby fever. I'm turning twenty-eight soon and I'm married. Plus, my husband is really good looking so I can't wait to have his babies.
  • I wanted to eat our wedding cake for breakfast on our anniversary. It didn't work out, but is was a great idea.

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