Tuesday, September 17, 2013


When I was pregnant...ok, let's be honest, way before I was pregnant, I decided that I wanted to cloth diaper my future child. I did a ton of research on the subject and even asked a fellow blogger who cloth diapers plenty of questions.

Then, when I got pregnant, I started building my stash. I chose mostly one-size diapers and even made a couple, but decided to purchase the majority of them. I liked that they were convenient and would be able to fit him until he's potty trained! Of course, most of them fit best when your child is about 10 lbs from what I've heard, so I knew I would need at least a few diapers for before that. I decided that for the newborn stage, I would go with one of the cheapest option...prefolds and covers. So, I purchased 30 prefolds,  prefold fitteds, one used all-in-one, one cover, and I sewed 5 more covers. This way, I could do laundry every other day and be good to go!

What I didn't expect was a tiny baby. Sure, most babies are small when they are first born, but my child fit into preemie diapers for the first couple of weeks. In fact, I tried on a prefold and cover and they were too big! They gapped at the waist and were not snug at all. So, I did what was best and sent my husband to buy more newborn diapers.

Now that Matthew is 5 weeks old, we are finally running out of newborn diapers. We have only a couple left in dad's diaper bag and that's it! My father-in-law actually purchased a huge box of size 1 diapers recently and we have some as well. The box says it should fit babies from 8-14 lbs and Matthew should be about in the 8 lb range about now so, they should fit him. I tried one on him and quickly realized that they are not going to work out!

My next thought was that I had two options. Option 1: Send Phil to the store to buy more newborn diapers. Option 2: Try the prefolds and covers again and see if they would fit now. Of course, I chose option number 2 and guess what...they fit! So, I folded up the diaper, put the snappi in place, covered it with the cover I made and handed him to dad to be fed. He promptly messed his diaper so Phil got to try out the diaper sprayer his dad installed and I got to show him how to fold a prefold!

I'm happy that my newborn stash is going to good use and that all of the time and effort I put into making the covers won't be in vain. I still plan on using the disposables we have over time, but I'm so happy that he's able to fit in the prefolds and that we are able to save money! Diapering a baby can definitely get expensive.



You need to add pictures of these cloth diapers! I have been doing a lot of research too on them. I didn't know that you couldn't use the cloth diapers from day one! Good to know!
When ever you get a few I'd love more information on what & why you chose the cloth diapers that you did. :D

So happy for you.. I have been following You & Matthew through facebook.. he's so handsome!!


Unknown said...

I'm so nervous to cloth diaper with Lilli. LOL. We didn't do it with our son & the main reason we are with her is because of money. We are a one income family now. Things are just different.

Tammy said...

This is so my life right now.

I'm not pregnant.

We're not planning to get pregnant. At least not until next year sometime.. Maybe in March-ish. But, that's several months away, ha!

BUT, I have this secret board on pinterest, and I have been doing research on cloth diapering for a couple of months. I think I've decided that it's the best choice. BUT, I think there's a lot more to it than I had previously thought. Who knows.

(I LOVE that you admitted this, though, and that I'm not completely nuts! Thank you!!!)