Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Perfect Shoes...

Today was, by far, my favorite day of our vacation. We went to the outlets where I found these...

These are my wedding shoes!!!

Are these seriously not the most perfect shoes ever?! These are the shoes that I will be walking down the aisle with and think they are absolutely perfect. We found them at the outlets today and as soon as I saw them I thought..."Those are perfect for my wedding shoes!" When Phil came in the store I immediately had him come over to see them and to my shock...he AGREED completely! He said that they "fit" me and my personality. When we looked at the shoes they only had one pair in my size. As soon as I saw them I just knew that these were THE shoes.

Now, I just have to learn to walk gracefully in them...


Tristan said...

so cute!

i wore tall flip flops...haha...I tend to be crazy clumsy!!

Kelly said...

I LOVE them!

Unknown said...

Tristan- I might do that for the reception or just go barefoot. I am a big clutz, but these were so perfect!

Kellyanne- Thanks! I love them too!