Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 13 Bumpdate!


How Far Along: 13 weeks 1 day

Size of Baby: Peach (2.9 inches, .81 oz)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 3 lbs according to my last doctor appointment. I go to the OB tomorrow so we'll see.

Maternity Clothes: I need to get more! I picked up three shirts last week at Target, but need more tops and pants. I wear yoga pants when I run out of maternity jeans.

Gender: It's a baby!Gender scan is scheduled for March 17th! We'll know in 3 weeks and we can't wait!

Movement: Not yet, it's a little too early :)

Sleep: I love my Snoogle pillow. I still wake up often to go to the bathroom and I still feel tired most days. It's getting better and I need less naps though! 

What I Miss: My family. But I can't wait to see them in May!

Cravings: Funyuns!

Symptoms: Cravings and being tired. Still feeling stretching so that's good.
Best Moment This Week: Seeing our baby on the ultrasound last week! We saw it wiggling around, waving, and kicking its legs. My husband was so excited and that makes me so happy!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

So exciting! So glad things are going well!