Wednesday, February 6, 2013

So What Wednesday

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • We purchased a stroller this week and paid a total of $10! It was originally $199 and on Target clearance for $50. I had a $40 gift card from the video monitor we bought so bam!
  •  I'm considering going to a gender ultrasound place at 16 weeks for my birthday next month. Our OB doesn't do the anatomy u/s until 20 weeks and I would have to wait until the middle of April. Not sure if I will want to wait.
  • I ordered the Snoogle pillow today after talking to my chiropractor. My hip has been hurting when I sleep and it's so hard to find a comfortable position. Plus, we got it for free by using a Christmas gift card and a Target gift card from Swagbucks!
  • I seriously cry whenever I find out that someone who has been trying for a baby for a while is pregnant. It touches me and I can totally relate.
  • I believe in the power of prayer so much that I honestly pray for everyone that I know or follow via twitter or blogging who is pregnant every day. And now, my husband does too! Prayer works and I want everyone's babies to be surrounded in prayer!


Nikole said...

Make sure you don't go too crazy we will still need ideas for the baby shower.

sara {rhapsody and chaos} said...

I love the snoogle :) I have a lot of pain in my SI joint (yanno, basically my butt...) and that pillow made a big difference in sleeping comfort.

Unknown said...

Feeling jealous over here because that is SO the stroller I want! $10?! What a deal. Thanks for all your prayers mama- so happy for you guys!

Jennifer said...

AMAZING stroller deal!!! I love me some Target!

Stopping by from So What Wednesday!!

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Bridgett said...

I'm so glad you got the stroller! Amazing deal! I think you should do an elective scan at 16 weeks. We did and it was amazing. Those elective places are so nice.