Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

There are so many things to be thankful for, but today I am most thankful for...
  • Phil's job! He just got an email that they are behind in the processing of his extension, but they are working on it and he was extended!
  • Home phone, Internet, and cable. I went without it at my apartment for almost two years and we finally got it installed a couple of days ago.
  • My future in-laws. They are so amazing, kind, and caring. 
  • Time spent with Phil. We don't get enough time during the week, so the weekends are great.
  • Weekends. Enough said.

1 comment:

Tristan said...

Be thankful for those awesome's not always the case!

We had a wonderful relationship with the in-laws..until a VERY nasty divorce and we are stilllllll working on rebuilding our relationships and it has been 2 years..rough stuff :(

Weekend...yay :)

Thursdays mean...GREY'S ANATOMY..wooooo!!