Monday, November 15, 2010

What I have to do...

I have a short list and a long list.

  1. Buy packaging tape.
  2. Get gas in my car.
  3. Buy a wreath hanger.
  4. Fill out the Compassion card to sponsor a child.
  5. Clean the kitchen.
  6. Clean the bathroom.
  7. Make dinner.
  8. Start packing.
The Long List
  1. Clean and pack the bedroom.
  2. Pack up the living room.
  3. Pack the kitchen.
  4. Go through the closet and donate "unwanted" items.
  5. Pack the closet.
  6. Call Comcast and get them to move our service to the new apartment.
  7. Switch over BGE.
  8. Switch renter's insurance to new address.
  9. Put in an address change form.
  10. Pack the bathroom.
  11. Talk to the gym, switch trainers, and buy more sessions.
  12. Actually go to the gym to work out.
  13. Go shopping for new clothes.
I'm sure that I have so much more to do, but that's all I can think of for now. I will be gone for an ACSI convention for school Sunday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon so that gives me even less time to get everything done.

And, I got an email from my landlord saying that she will let me know when/if she needs to show the apartment before I move out. How on earth am I supposed to keep the place looking ready to show when I will have boxes packed up all over the apartment?

Somebody help me.

1 comment:

Tristan said...

good luck with that big list! one at a time and it will get done!!

i just cleaned out our closets..BIG task!