Monday, December 27, 2010

Growing Up

I feel like I've grown up a lot since moving. The summer of 2007 was when I made the life-changing decision to leave my family in California and move to Virginia. I was completely unaware of where my life was going to take me and what that decision would lead me to, but in order for me to grow up, I needed to figure things out for myself.

It was a hard adjustment at first, but it got better when I was able to visit my family and see how much I had grown. I left what was comfortable and familiar behind with my family in California and I was making a life for myself out on the East Coast. It was different, but I had a great support system and I learned a lot about who I was and who I wanted to become....and so, the transformation began!

When I stop to think about it, I notice how different I am now. I value different things and want different things. Instead of throwing any "extra" money I get into something that I want, I would rather put it into savings or towards something that I need. I absolutely love finding good deals and ways to save money. I'm learning when to spend more money on something upfront and when it's ok to take the cheaper route. I would much rather watch a movie on Netflix then spend the extra money it costs to go to a, I hate movie theater popcorn!

The best thing about growing up is finding the man that God has for me and accepting him the way he is. God has opened my heart and my mind and has blessed me with such an amazing man who inspires me to constantly strive to be a better person and who supports me every step of the way.

Growing up isn't always fun. There's bills to pay, jobs to work, and a home to take care of, but it has led me to a better place and a great man.

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