Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Sister is Coming to Town!!!

Tonight I just got the best news ever from my mom. She told me to book my sister's trip to come visit me this December! It's something my sister and I had been talking about on and off for about a year now, but with college finals in December, she really wasn't sure when she could come out.

I haven't seen my sister since March 2011, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. She lives in California where I grew up so the East Coast is definitely a different experience for her. The last time she was here we took her to Washington D.C. and she had a blast!

Isn't she so cute?!

This year we're picking her up a couple of hours away in Philadelphia so she'll get to see a little bit of Pennsylvania too! She has also made the request that we go to New York if possible. We'll have to see on that one, but I would LOVE to make that happen. It would be my first time going there as well.

I'm also thinking that I might take her to Virginia {even if it's just to the outlets} since I know she really likes visiting new states. Of course, it will be pretty cold by then and our plans will definitely depend on the weather! 

I can't wait for December to get here {after fall, of course!} to be able to spend some time with her!

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