Monday, August 6, 2012

Tyra Banks Show- Nanny Pack Plan

If you missed the first post on how we got on the show, you can catch up here.

You all saw that we were picked to have Jillian Michaels as our celebrity diet expert.

We met Jillian at a restaurant in Los Angeles to discuss the plan. She gave us her book to read and told us that it was going to be a lot of hard work.

 The plan was simple enough...calories in vs. calories out. In order to lose weight, we had to create a deficit. She told us to eat between 1,200-1,500 calories per day and that we would be working out 5x/week. Now, I don't know about you, but it's kind of hard to go from 0 to 60 all at once when you're not used to working out or eating right. She suggested that we get a book called The Calorie King to help track our calories and get a notebook so we could keep track of it all.

We worked out with Jillian one time and she sent us home with instructions to send her our food diaries weekly and she would send us what she wanted to do work out wise for the week.

I stuck to my calorie intake and made sure to measure everything. I made some slight changes like substituting turkey bacon for regular, light hot dogs for regular, Ezekiel bread, low fat everything, and light versions of many foods. She said that we could use 300 calories per day to "treat" ourselves so we didn't feel obligated to cheat or binge. I still ate pizza and some of my favorite foods, but I made sure to count the calories and always stuck to my calorie range.

I emailed Jillian with my food diary religiously and sometimes I wouldn't hear back for a week or even maybe two weeks. I felt lost and unsure of what to do so I called the producer of the show and she told me that Jillian must be busy, so I just needed to be patient.

Jillian would email us when she got around to it and would tell us what to do to work out. She suggested taking a spin class so that's exactly what we did. I remember that we went into the hour long class and tried so hard to make it through to the end. It was so painful and I thought I had bruised my butt! I thought that she was trying to kill us! We were definitely not ready for that.

Working out proved to be a challenge. She would tell us to do 45 minutes of cardio and do strength training. She was very specific about which cardio machines to use (StairMaster was one of her favorites) and for how long. At one point, she emailed me telling me that it was time to start running on the treadmill. I let her know that I really didn't think my body was ready for it and she told me that I needed to do it anyways. I tried to run on the treadmill and ended up hurting my knee. I went to the doctor and they told me that I wasn't ready to be running and to wear a brace full-time for a few weeks and to take it easy. Yep, that sucked.

During this time, my sister ended up temporarily quitting the show. She had a personal issue come up and wasn't focused. We ended up getting her back on track, but it was a struggle. I did continue to email my food journal/workouts even though she wasn't communicating with Jillian and fell off the bandwagon.

With the injury, my school schedule, and my work schedule (moving to full-time hours) I didn't get to work out as much as I should have. Jillian wasn't happy with my slow, steady weight loss and wanted to have me take weight loss supplements and only eat lean chicken or fish with broccoli for lunches and dinners. Of course, this was not what her "plan" was supposed to be about and I didn't feel comfortable taking a weight loss drug to lose weight.

As you can imagine, the second show {the results show} was definitely interesting. I will have another post with another video clip to wrap up the experience!



WOW. I thought you would have had such a better experience! She's one on my fav's to get motivation from too. How deflatting. I'm glad you stuck with it tho!!

Stacy Sews and Schools said...

OMGoodness!! I can imagine how at sea you must have felt! It's so easy for someone to say just do it when they aren't there to actually oversee it all!! Good grief! What a nightmare!