How Far Along: 14 weeks 1 day (based on my OB wanting to keep my due date since it's only a one day difference!)
Size of Baby: Lemon (3.4 inches, 1.5 oz)
Maternity Clothes: Proudly wearing maternity jeans and some t-shirts from Target.
Gender: It's a baby! We find out the gender in two weeks...holy cow that's soon!
Movement: Not yet, it's a little too early :)
Sleep: Getting better! I even slept through the night one night this past week.
What I Miss: My family still. I have been very thankful that this pregnancy hasn't had too many bad symptoms and so far I love it.
Cravings: They change. One day it's an Icee, another day it's a coke, and another day it's cupcakes.
Symptoms: Decreasing. I am starting to have more energy, but still get tuckered out fairly quickly.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at our 13 week appointment and scheduling the anatomy ultrasound for 20 weeks.
Being far away from family is so hard! Glad you're doing well though :) And man those Target maternity tank tops are amazing. I might have purchased one without being pregnant, they're longer which is nice! :)
Ohmygosh ICEE - me too! Well, not now, then. But I drank SO many when I was pregnant. It was totally my thing.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
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