Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So What Wednesdays

So What Wednesday
This week, I'm saying So What if...
  • I said I wasn't going to AWANA tonight, but I probably will be. I was super sick yesterday and feel fine today, but I'm worried about the stress.
  • I haven't sewn the things I volunteered to do for the church Easter play and they're due tonight. I was set up to do it yesterday, but that was a no-go.
  • My doctor yesterday didn't bring up me being on pelvic rest so I asked if we could resume normal activities. I may or may not have told him that my husband is a patient man, but I am less impatient!
  • I still haven't started sewing for my craft show in two weeks. It's going to be a long, exhausting two weeks I guess.
  • I can't wait until our pack and play get here! Gram ordered it for us since she loves the quilt I made her so much.

  • We're probably not getting a house before the baby gets here. We're saving quickly, but there's no way to come up with what we need left overnight. At least my in-laws are being super great and supportive!
  • I think I got sick because of all of the crap food I had eaten on Monday. It was a hodge podge of everything and it didn't seem to settle well.


Sarah said...

im coming over from the link up party :)
im a sahw too! and pregnant! love the pack and play!

Kristy said...

Dropping by from SWW. The pack n play is a lifesaver!! Trust me. It is one of the things we couldn't have lived with out after our son was born last summer! Congrats on the baby by the way!

Shannon Dew said...

Love that Pack N Play! Thanks for linking up!

lori said...

okay your pelvic rest comment cracked me up! hope your doctor gives you a little freedom :)