Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So What Wednesdays

So What Wednesday
This week, I'm saying So What if...
  • I said I wasn't going to AWANA tonight, but I probably will be. I was super sick yesterday and feel fine today, but I'm worried about the stress.
  • I haven't sewn the things I volunteered to do for the church Easter play and they're due tonight. I was set up to do it yesterday, but that was a no-go.
  • My doctor yesterday didn't bring up me being on pelvic rest so I asked if we could resume normal activities. I may or may not have told him that my husband is a patient man, but I am less impatient!
  • I still haven't started sewing for my craft show in two weeks. It's going to be a long, exhausting two weeks I guess.
  • I can't wait until our pack and play get here! Gram ordered it for us since she loves the quilt I made her so much.

  • We're probably not getting a house before the baby gets here. We're saving quickly, but there's no way to come up with what we need left overnight. At least my in-laws are being super great and supportive!
  • I think I got sick because of all of the crap food I had eaten on Monday. It was a hodge podge of everything and it didn't seem to settle well.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What's In A Name?

Naming this baby started long before we were pregnant. We started talking baby names back when we were dating. Of course, our taste has changed over time so none of the names we liked back then made the cut this time.

When we decided to try and start a family, the name game was back on. We went through many names and could only seem to agree on girl names. You see, my husband loves traditional names...Christopher, Thomas, and Zachary. I like some traditional names, but some that are a little more modern at times. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't seem to come up with a boy name.

I remember being frustrated that we weren't getting pregnant and that we couldn't seem to agree on any boy names. So, I did what I do and I prayed...hard. After all, we started trying to get pregnant because I felt that God was telling me that it was time. I knew that I was going to be a mother, I just didn't know how or when.

With knowing that I was going to be a mom, I prayed and asked God to give me a name for a boy. He have me one and I was surprised that I liked it. Next, it had to pass the husband test. So, I approached him and asked what he thought of the name and of course, he loved it!

Now, we just needed a middle name. I did a lot of thinking and this one name just came to me. I knew this was going to be the name if we were having a boy. God provided it and nothing else compares.

When we found out that the baby was a boy, I was so happy and knew that this was God answering our prayer in His time and His way.

The name given to us for our child is...

Matthew James

Ironically, when I looked it up, his name means "gift of God"...isn't that incredible?!

Monday, March 25, 2013

17 Week Bump Date!

How Far Along: 17 weeks 1 day

Size of Baby: Onion (5.1 inches, 5.9 oz)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +8 lbs...My appointment is tomorrow so we'll see what it says.

Maternity Clothes: Of course!

Gender: It's a BOY!!!

Movement: Definitely felt some wiggling and it's getting closer to being daily.

Sleep: Much better.
What I Miss: Nothing at the moment.

Cravings: Cheeseburgers and potato salad. Specifically Five Guys cheeseburgers...maybe I need more iron?

Symptoms: Sore boobs...they're growing again. Also, more energy, but I still get super tired around 1:30pm.

Best Moment This Week: Finding out that our baby is a boy! I also can't wait to hear his heartbeat tomorrow.

17 week belly pic!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Boy or Girl?

As soon as we found out we were having a baby, we knew we wanted to find out if it was a boy or girl. I mean, we already had names picked out and I couldn't wait to start sewing and thinking of all of the things we would want to get the baby. Knowing the sex makes it that much more fun to shop and plan!

We have our anatomy scan scheduled for the middle of April, but we knew that we didn't want to wait that long, but elective ultrasounds can be a little expensive. Plus, most of the ones in the area were at least an hour away and we wanted my husband's parents to be there as well so that would be a long trip.

After hours of looking online, I found a place 30 minutes away that would do the gender scan at 16 weeks. They are closed Saturdays, but open Sundays so it worked out perfectly since I was 16 weeks on Sunday and we could get everyone to go to lunch right after church and make a day of it.

My mom was wonderful and paid for the ultrasound for my birthday present. In turn, we elected to have the live streaming and have the video archived to be streamed for 60 days so that she could see it! It was one of the best decisions and made it so much more special to know that my family across the country could see exactly what we saw.

Once we were at the ultrasound place, we were called back shortly afterwards and I was asked to lie on a table while Phil was next to me on a rocking chair and his parents were on the couch. Gram came too so she was wheeled right in front of the big tv screen.

The tech started and found the baby immediately! It was great to see it wiggling around, but she couldn't get a good view of the goods. The baby was bending its legs so that she couldn't see anything. It took ten minutes of her wiggling my stomach to finally be able to see what she was looking for.

Finally, she took a still picture and told us...
We couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So What Wednesday

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  •  We know the sex of the baby and want to keep it off facebook for a little while. I'll be posting a blog soon.
  • I haven't been sewing a lot and really need to. I have a show coming up in only three weeks!
  • I only want to sew for our baby and not the show. There, I said it. I'm just really want to look at cute things and make some fun stuff.
  • It's my birthday and for once I don't feel the need to shout it from the roof-top. Sure, it's great, but it just feels like another day this year.
  • I still have 5-ish months to go until we meet our baby and that seems like so long. Seriously, we both feel like it's already been so long and there's 23.5 weeks left!
  • I'm only 16 weeks and I am super round. At least there's a reason and I'm happy to be looking pregnant!

Monday, March 18, 2013

16 Week Bumpdate!

How Far Along: 16 weeks 1 day

Size of Baby: Avocado (4.6 inches, 3.5 oz)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +8 lbs...We'll see if it has changed at my appointment next week. Still not thinking it's that much.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Gender: It's a baby! We know what it is, but that's for a different post ;)

Movement: I've felt a little bit of light flutters, not everyday, but some days.

Sleep: Getting better except for my coughing which won't go away.
What I Miss: Not coughing. It has been a month or more and I can't walk faster than a toddler learning how to walk because I can't breathe.

Cravings: Cheeseburgers and coke. I limit myself though.

Symptoms: Sore hips and low back

Best Moment This Week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat and finding out if our baby is a boy or girl!

Friday, March 15, 2013

What Will It Be?

We find out the sex of Baby Reese in two days! It's completely surreal and I can't believe we're going to know if we're having a boy or girl.

Many people ask us what we want and our answer is...a healthy baby! Seriously, we would be delighted with either. There are great things about boy and great things about girls. I used to get so annoyed when parents would answer that way, but honestly when you think you might not get that chance for a long time, it doesn't matter.

Before we were having a baby, we both wanted a boy first then a girl. Now, my husband has visions of a little girl that he's hoping for. He also wants a boy so either way, he'll be happy. When I think of a girl, I think of tutu's, watching Disney princess movies, and shopping. When I think of a boy, I think of trucks, little board shorts, and momma's buddy.

Either way, we are truly blessed and already have names picked out!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So What Wednesdays

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • When the doctor told me that I had to be on pelvic rest for the next two weeks I was not thrilled. *Pelvic rest is total abstinence to not irritate the cervix and cause more spotting*
  • We got the ultrasound pictures from the hospital and tried to see if we could find out the sex of the baby. No dice. 
  • Tomorrow is my night to make dinner and we bought baked potato cheddar soup from Bob Evans to reheat.
  • My birthday is next week and the only present I asked for was for my mom to pay for the early gender scan.
  • Since I'm only allowed to take it easy, I've been sitting/lying around watching movies and shows all day.
  • I love watching the Duggars. I think they're great and set a good example. They seem to do well with their businesses, take care of their family, and their kids aren't hooligans.
  • I can't decide on which detergent to use with cloth diapering. I don't want something super expensive...any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hospital Follow-Up

Saturday afternoon we found ourselves in the emergency room due to some bleeding. It wasn't terrible, but since I hadn't bled during this pregnancy at all, we wanted to make sure to get everything checked out.

I'm so glad I did because we were able to see the baby and get a ton of pictures on a disk. We also got to see the strong, healthy heartbeat which is always amazing. I also had to get the RhoGam shot. This is super important so that if my baby has a different Rh factor than I do, my body won't create antibodies against it which could be fatal for the baby.

I went and picked up my records yesterday at the hospital and had a follow-up appointment with my OB. I was happy to see him and hear what he had to say. 

We were able to hear the baby's heartbeat right away loud and clear. That is, by far, my favorite part of the appointment. I was so thankful that my husband was able to leave work early and go with me and he loves to hear the baby's heartbeat...he just lights up!

The doctor did an exam and said that everything looks good. He has me resting/taking it easy and on pelvic rest for the next two weeks until we have the next appointment. At that time, if the spotting has stopped, I can resume normal activities. He said anything that is happening now is old blood and to call if it continues. 

My doctor always puts me at ease and told me that we did the right thing by going to the hospital. He was happy that I got the injection to protect the baby and said that it could be caused from the cough or sometimes its just unexplained and nothing to worry about.

The main thing is that I'm not in pain and that it has pretty much stopped. Now, hopefully we can get this coughing under control, but the baby is fine.

One thing is certain, our baby wants to be here. It's strong and God has been faithful to continue to protect it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 15 Bumpdate!

How Far Along: 15 weeks 1 day

Size of Baby: Naval Orange (4 inches, 2.5 oz)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +8 lbs...Not convinced that I gained 4 pounds in the last two weeks when I've been eating better and less. The doctor isn't worried and said it could be clothes or fluid. I'm going with that. We'll see if it changes at our next appointment in two weeks.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Gender: It's a baby! We find out this Sunday! Any guesses?

Movement: I've felt a little bit of light flutters!

Sleep: Getting better. 
What I Miss: Nothing.

Cravings: Egg salad sandwiches, cheeseburgers, and baked potato soup.

Symptoms: Swollen gums.

Best Moment This Week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat today and seeing the baby on the ultrasound at the hospital Saturday.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I started writing this post to talk about our E.R. adventure yesterday. I wanted to complain and say how horrible the wait was and how mean one of the nurses were, but to be honest...

None of that matters.

What matters is that my baby is safe and healthy.

After a bleeding scare, we saw our little munchkin wiggling around so much with a strong, healthy heartbeat of 148 bpm.

We knew that God would be faithful and he continues to prove to be just that and more.

Yes, I had to get a RhoGam shot because I'm Rh- and Phil is Rh+ which means if my blood mixes with
the baby's blood, and the baby is Rh+ my body would create antibodies against the baby thinking that it's an infection.

I'm not a fan of shots, but if it's what we need to keep my baby safe, I'll do it.

I am so thankful that the baby is ok and that the bleeding has stopped.

Now, if we can just get this cough under control so that it doesn't happen again, that would be great!

I'm resting in bed today and calling my OB tomorrow morning to let them know and see if they want to do a follow-up.

Thank you, Lord for your goodness and faithfulness.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Finish the Sentence...


1. People always tell me I will be a good mom. Which makes me happy and has nothing to do with my years of childcare experience.
2. In the movie based on my life, people would be so confused by my family dynamic.
3. Typically, I end up regrettingeating anything that gives me acid reflux...big macs, Reese's cups, pasta with red's sad, really.
4. I always ask to leave off the onions! Not a huge fan.
5. Kim and Kanye really need to stay to themselves. They're a little crazy and in your face sometimes.
6. My Parents always reminded me to do my best and let God do the rest. They were very big on always do the best you can in any situation.
7. Every single day I pray that our baby is healthy and safe and that I'll be able to feel it move soon.
8. This one time in College my sister took a paper I wrote, put her name on it, changed the date, and turned it in to the same professor for the same class. Then, she got a higher score on it. Not fair.
9. My grossest habit is hacking up mucous from my chest right now. I'm sick and can't stop it.
10. My latest white lie was I can't remember. I try really hard to be as honest as I can and try to correct myself when I'm incorrect.
11. I know all the words to Baby Got Back! Or, at least I used to ;)
12. When I grow up I want to be a stay-at-home mom.
13. Sexy time is happening more frequently and I'm happy about that.
14. I will never, ever be super thin. My bone structure will let me get smaller, but never a size 0.
15. I think it's hilarious to watch "Ain't no body got time fo that" on YouTube.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

So What Wednesdays

This week, I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • It's snowing like crazy right now and I couldn't be happier!
  • The government closed due to inclement weather which means my husband is home for the day!
  • I'm happy that the storm actually is playing out so that my husband won't be upset that we didn't get a good snow this year.
  • Our snow day tradition is cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
  • My birthday is in two weeks and the only thing I asked for is to find out what the baby is early. I didn't want to wait another month.
  • I can't wait to start sewing for this baby. I have so many cute fabrics, but not many are gender neutral.
  • I went to the doctor for my cough yesterday knowing the only thing they would do is give me an antibiotic. I'm still sick and have a history of it turning into bronchitis.
  • I'm SO happy that AWANA is cancelled tonight! I need a break with being so tired by the end of the day and with being sick, it is harder.
  • I'm happy to be a stay-at-home wife again. It didn't last long, but I'm meant to be at home and that's where I'm most happy.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Week 14 Bumpdate!

How Far Along: 14 weeks 1 day (based on my OB wanting to keep my due date since it's only a one day difference!)

Size of Baby: Lemon (3.4 inches, 1.5 oz)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +4 lbs! Right on track and I only gained a pound last month!

Maternity Clothes: Proudly wearing maternity jeans and some t-shirts from Target.

Gender: It's a baby! We find out the gender in two weeks...holy cow that's soon!

Movement: Not yet, it's a little too early :)

Sleep: Getting better! I even slept through the night one night this past week.

What I Miss: My family still. I have been very thankful that this pregnancy hasn't had too many bad symptoms and so far I love it.

Cravings: They change. One day it's an Icee, another day it's a coke, and another day it's cupcakes.

Symptoms: Decreasing. I am starting to have more energy, but still get tuckered out fairly quickly.

Best Moment This Week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat at our 13 week appointment and scheduling the anatomy ultrasound for 20 weeks.